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87 Things I Hate


    Europe 2005
    12th grade year (Coming soon.
    Spring Break '03 - Jacksonville
    Spring Break '03 - Clearwater
    Vacation '02 - North Carolina
    11th grade year
    10th grade year

    The Simpsons
    Survivor: Panama - Exile Island
    Survivor: Guatemala

    Survivor: Palau
Survivor: Vanuatu
     Survivor: All Stars
     Survivor: Pearl Islands
    Survivor: The Amazon
Survivor: Thailand
    Survivor: Marquesas
    Survivor: Africa
    Survivor: Australian Outback
    Survivor: Palau Tiga

Fun Stuff
    "I Love You"
    Jenn's website
    Weebl and Bob


Spring Break '03 - Clearwater


As road trip numero dos began, Carty and I looked at the back seat of his car all packed with luggage.  We thought it was a pretty cool site.  Cool enough to take a picture of, at least.


This is the hallway in the Merritts residence hall.  I stayed in room 206, while Carty was in room 202.


This is the inside of room 206.  I slept on the top bunk on the left.  Most of the stuff on the floor was on my mattress when I got there.


Behold Centre Court Cafe, where Carty enjoyed more than just a few "colorful Otis Spunkmeyer cookies", contained in the plastic box on the counter.


This is where the students of CCC enjoy putting the Spalding in the circle.  It's a far cry from UNF's Spalding/circle gaming facilities, visible in the pictures from our first road trip that we took earlier that week.


A flagpole.  Dambach Hall is the building behind it with the nifty clock.


This is Arthur E. Steele Hall, where we sat in on Education Psychology in S108 and History of Western Civilization I in S111.


The outdoor Spalding-toss center.


Cathcart Hall contains the dining hall as well as some other stuff, probably.


Emmons Hall, a women's residence hall.


An out-of-focus picture of me flashing the victory sign, as was the style at the time.


When Carty donned some glasses and picked up a weird cane, he looked disturbingly similar to that Harry Potter character.